

A wide variety of facilitation methods that deepen the relational field, and bring you closer to each-other, your purpose and your goal as a collective.

Your organisation grows when the people do.

I support teams and organizations to co-create sustainable structures that enable emergence, creativity, efficiency and meaningful collaboration. I make it easier for groups to see their challenges and move through them with resilience, collectively make aligned decisions on hard issues, and create an inclusive culture.

In an increasingly complex world, it becomes obvious in teams and organizations that a regenerative and attuned social structure leads to innovative results. I support your community, organisation or team in asking the right questions and finding solutions collectively, feeling empowered and resilient in responding to challenges.

I am Teodora.

My expertise invites collaboration, social innovation, systemic transformation, and community building trough emergence. I design and facilitate trainings and in-depth participatory process spaces within diverse contexts. I engage with organisations of the private, public and non-profit sector as well as communities, networks and larger ecosystems that look to deepen their social field. 

My approach is grounded in trauma-informed practices, attuned to meet the unique needs of each person and group I have the chance to work with.

Design &

Meaningful Participation

Organisational Development


Community Building

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My Toolbox

I believe in the transformative power of groups that attune together to their collective purpose.  Trough a tailor-made process design, I believe together we can grow your purpose into reality. 

Transparent Communication


Leadership &

Community Building


Authenthic Relating

Dragon Dreaming

Emergent Dialogue

Art of Hosting


Open Space

The Work that Reconnects

You call me in for:

Every group is different, every challenge is different. Facilitation implied having a wide toolbox from which to best serve the group. That, and presence. 

“Isn’t there a way to break the patterns of the past and tune into our highest future possibility—and to begin to operate from that place?”
C. Otto Scharmer, Theory U: Learning from the Future as It Emerges

My Values & Approach

Being in a group can be both triggering and exciting. Sensing into the collective potential while also hosting it´s emergence is what touches me the most. I want to re-create the story of Connection, as a natural response given by the capacity of people to deeply listen to each other, witness each other and support each other. From there on, the space is open. 

  • Awareness and Presence before method 
  • Allowing Emergence 
  • Slowing down to see the IN-BETWEEN – appropiate group rythm 
  • Depth is the true connector 
  • Authenthicity, Connection 
  • Growth, Purpose, Connection

¨If you’re seeking to construct a team grounded in co-creation, emergence, and conscious understanding, Teodora is the ideal facilitator for this journey. Her expert guidance through this transformative workshop not only deepened our understanding of trauma-informed practices but also seamlessly integrated these principles into the very fabric of our team building. Her approach is essential for any work environment striving for empathetic and effective team dynamics.¨

― Franzisca Gartenmann, KEEN WellBeing, Switzerland

Ask about
Facilitation services.

Interested in a collaboration?                     Contact me and let´s see how I can help your community, organization, or project become more present, connected and as a result efficient and collaborative.